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The 23rd Peking University Dancesport Open held

The 23rd Dancer Cup- Peking University Dancesport Open- was hosted by Peking University on Dec.24, 2017.About 300 dancers gathered at the 1st stadium to compete in 31 categories. Among them are specialists from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Sport University, Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing Institution of Graphic Communication, Central University of Finance and Economics and other institutions, as well as new learners from Peking University who attend Waltz or Latin course this semester.In the opening speech, Professor Li Ning, director of PKU’s department of physical education, gave recognition of the mode that combining teaching and activity, training and competition. He also showed his gratitude to those who participate this event for their dedication. Professor Zhang Rui, secretary of the department of physical education, presented awards to dancers.

Director Ning Li giving a speech

           The competition started at 9:30 in the morning. With the energetic music filling the stadium, dancers strapped on their dancing shoes and heated up the floor. Both specialists and amateur dancers can sign up for a category that they are skilled since 31 categories were set in this competition. 

Men’s Singles Cha Cha Cha

Secretary Prof.Rui Zhang presents award for dancers.

Rumba dancers getting their awards

            The Dancer Cup originates from the final presentation of sportdance course in PKU. In order to help new learners appreciate the beauty of sportdance like Cha Cha Cha, Rumba and Waltz, it gradually evolves from a simple presentation in class to a grand competition, during the process students get more and more involved. Without seeing in person, one can not believe that new learners have the capability of competing with professional dancers after a training period of merely 14 weeks.
            As a part of Peking University 120 Anniversary Celebration Series, the Dancer Cup not only provides a stage for students to show their talent in competition, but also forms a strong bond between Peking University and other universities. More and more students and staff take part in Dancer Cup, which forms an atmosphere of dancing throughout the campus.

Professor Wu Dingfeng presenting awards to teaching assistants for their devotion

Prof.Wu sheds a light on the origin of Dancer Cup

發布時間🧙‍♂️:2017年12月27日 17:07



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